Agence immobilière place Mozart, estimation : Prix m²
"La Place Mozart" dans le quartier des Musiciens à Nice
Estimation appartement dans le quartier des Musiciens, Square MOZART à 06000 Nice .Estimation varie très fortement entre 6300€/m² et 11.200€/m².
Mozart Square in Nice: Located in the heart of the Musicians' Quarter, just a stone's throw from the train station, it features numerous buildings. At the corner of Avenue Auber, a series of three buildings can be found. The first, at number 3, boasts refined eclectic style, characterized by simple bow windows enhanced by small paned glass and bulging fenestrations on convex cheeks. The second building, known as the "Tennis Palace," showcases eclectic Belle Époque style, while the last is the Mozart Palace, situated at the corner of Avenue Baquis. Despite being referred to as "Place Mozart," it's actually a square, owing to the earthquake of 1887 which transformed it into a space to accommodate the displaced.